If you’re watching a professional powerwash your house from a distance, it’s very easy to mistake the liquid that’s being sprayed at your house for simple tap water. Indeed, water is a major component to our powerwashing solution- in fact, it’s about 99% of it- but it’s only one piece of the chemical puzzle we use to give your house a thorough cleaning. In fact, for optimal cleaning results, we use a three-ingredient solution.
Here’s the recipe for our soft powerwashing chemical solution.
It should come as no surprise that the main ingredient in our powerwashing cocktail is water. As everybody knows, when you need to clean something, you use water, the most abundant natural resource on our planet. By itself, water has a way of cleaning dirt, grime, and unwelcome plant life, as it washes the materials that aren’t supposed to be in a given spot away. Therefore, water makes up approximately 99% of the chemical solution we use to clean your houses.
A fancy word for bleach, sodium hypochlorite is added to our power washing combination in small quantities. Because of the raw power bleach can have, infusing our chemical cleaning solution with more than .5% can have all kinds of negative consequences, such as killing plants in the yard as it runs off your house. As such, we have to find that perfect balance of using just enough sodium hypochlorite to clean any moss, mildew, algae, or any other plant life that’s not supposed to be on your roof- while at the same time, not using so much that it could kill plants that are supposed to be on your porch or yard. So when we say that half of one percent of our chemical cleaning solution is sodium hypochlorite, there’s not much wiggle room available; a powerwashing solution consisting of more than .75% of this bleach could potentially be problematic.
Rounding out the list of ingredients in our powerwashing solution is a special surfactant, also known more simply as soap. As is the case with the bleach, not too high of a quantity of soap is needed to do the job of cleaning your house- because we use a high-quality soap that teams up with the bleach to erase any dirt from the sides of your house. The special soap we use is powerful enough that less of it is needed to clean a dirty wall with a lesser quantity of bleach- and helps the bleach do its job for a longer period of time. One of the many advantages to that is that in case of an excess runoff, where the solution trickles down to meet the pretty flowers in your front yard, the lower concentration of bleach in the solution has a lesser chance of doing harm to your plants.
Does your home or commercial property need cleaning? Let our team put your home or business’s best face forward. Contact us today!
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