As noted in our last blog (link to it), our team of professionals at Coastal Pros Powerwashing uses a carefully crafted cocktail of chemicals to give your house the thorough cleaning it needs to sparkle. But even with all the precautions and care we take, it’s possible that some of the solutions may run off the sides of your house and come into contact with your plants- and that’s not good, for a long list of reasons.
Luckily, we have procedures in place to make sure that any such contact between the chemical solution and your plants results in minimal, if any, damage. Try as we might keep the chemical solution away from your plants- and we do usually succeed in these efforts- it’s still a possibility. Therefore, we make the effort to give your plants three separate rounds of rinsing with pure water when we’re at your house, each time with a distinct purpose.
Before a drop of liquid even touches the side of your home, we make sure to give your plants a healthy dose of water. There is a multitude of reasons for doing this. To begin with, as is the case with most living beings, plants require water, and a certain level of hydration, in order to survive. Thus, they get thirsty from time to time. There’s a very good chance that they haven’t quenched that thirst in the time just before we arrive, so that’s the first thing we do. Conversely, simply watering your plants to keep them hydrated also means that the plants will not remain thirsty, and look for liquid- including the wrong kind of liquid. Such as, for example, a powerwashing chemical that can kill them. Plants don’t generally know which types of liquid are good for them and which ones are not, and if the first liquid that comes their way in a fair amount of time is harmful to them, they’ll soak it up just the same.
After we’ve applied our powerwashing solution to your house, the chemicals need time to sit, or “dwell,” and do their jobs- and in the interim, we’ll wash your plants again. The reason behind this second round of watering your plants is to make sure that any overspray that may have come into contact with your plants gets washed away before it does too much damage. The initial round of washing your plants will take care of their thirst issue; round two is just to clear away any unwelcome chemicals that might have accidentally found their way over to your plants.
Washing your plants with pure water twice does a lot to help ensure that they won’t be absorbing any chemicals that can harm them. Just to be sure we’ve gotten every last drop of overspray out of your plants, though, we’ll rinse them off a third time after our chemical solution has done its job and we’ve thoroughly rinsed your house off.
Does your home or commercial property need cleaning? Let our team put your home or business’s best face forward. Contact us today!
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