Everybody loves to save money, and the first place a lot of people look when thinking about saving money is where they can cut unnecessary costs. This may mean looking to do some things themselves that they ordinarily pay others to do for them, like cleaning their house. Or in some other cases, it may mean simply finding the cheapest bidder for such tasks.
Trust us when we say, power washing your home is not one of these tasks. Power washing your home is not something you should try yourself or leave to the lowest bidder; it’s something that needs to be done right, every time. Otherwise, you may wind up spending a lot more money to fix problems with your house than we charge to power wash it.The body content of your post goes here. To edit this text, click on it and delete this default text and start typing your own or paste your own from a different source.
A cheaper power washing company may deploy someone with all the training necessary to power wash your house, but that doesn’t guarantee a successful job. In fact, oftentimes, the power washing companies with the cheapest rates need to perform jobs at five houses to make the same money that an experienced power washing company (such as Coastal Pros Power Washing) makes to perform the same job at three houses. This may mean that the power washer is in a major rush to get to the next house, so the power washing job is performed rather hastily- and that’s a trade-off for quality.
The problems that can arise from a hastily-washed house are endless. In their rush to get to the next job, the person could apply heavy pressure with the power washing solution and rip the grit off the shingles of your house, or disturb the oxidation and tear up the paint. Sometimes, the power washing solution is sprayed onto the roof- one of the big no-nos of power washing. And in other cases, cheaper power washing services may rush the process of putting their power washing solution together, leading to the wrong ratio of water to soap and chemicals, which can destroy plant life in the yard and eat away at a house’s exterior. So far, in the young year of 2022 alone, we’ve already been to two houses that had been damaged by inconsiderate, perhaps slapdash power washing jobs.
At Coastal Pros Power Washing, we’ve been providing top-tier power washing services for years. Our services may cost slightly more than our competitors, but that’s because we know what we’re doing and have a reputation for getting the job done cleanly and easily. Think of it this way: it may be a little more expensive for Coastal Pros to power wash your home than some cheaper competitors, but the money you risk spending to apply new shingles or flowerbeds if the job isn’t done correctly- a real risk of going with cheaper alternatives- will cost you a great deal more in the end.
Would you like to make your house sparkle for all your family, friends, and neighbors to see? Reach out to our team at Coastal Pros Power Washing to set up an appointment today!
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